July 28, 2022
Dear SFUFA Members: This bulletin contains information on: Pensions and purchase of past service in the BCCPP SFUFA’s support of the Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) A brief bargaining update Codes of Conduct Member dues Pension – past service purchasing Many members have already explored or are currently exploring options [...]
July 7, 2022
Dear SFUFA Members: This information bulletin contains updates regarding: - Pension transition and purchase of past service - Chairs and Directors stipends - Draft Intellectual Property Policy - Acting VPA Effective July 1 - Bargaining survey and consultations Pension Transition The process under which members can elect to buy past [...]
June 15, 2022
Dear SFUFA Members: This bulletin contains updates and information on the following topics: Dues vote results Pension Transition – purchasing past service Collective bargaining Academic Pension Plan Trustees Dues Vote Results Between June 1 and 10th, faculty members voted on a proposed increase to raise SFUFA dues from 0.685% to [...]